Alessandra MELONIO

Professoressa Associata
Informatica [INFO-01/A]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Campus scientifico via Torino
Stanza: studio Z.B07 (edificio Zeta B)
Research Institute
Research Institute for Digital and Cultural Heritage


Anno Tipologia Pubblicazione
Anno Tipologia Pubblicazione
2024 Articolo su rivista Gennari, Rosella; Matera, Maristella; Melonio, Alessandra; Mores, Marco; Morra, Diego; Rizvi, Mehdi A rapid-prototyping toolkit for people with intellectual disabilities in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, vol. 192 (ISSN 1071-5819)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5068741
2024 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari, Rosella; Krik, Soufiane; Melonio, Alessandra Human-Centred Engineering with Micro-electronics for Pre-teens , 19th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Springer, vol. 14535 LNCS, pp. 216-225, Convegno: 19th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, INTERACT 2023 (ISBN 9783031616877; 9783031616884) (ISSN 0302-9743)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5068742
2023 Articolo su rivista Gennari, R.; Matera, M.; Melonio, A.; Morra, D.; Rizvi, M. Design for social digital well-being with young generations: Engage them and make them reflect in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, vol. 173, pp. 103006 (ISSN 1071-5819)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5013705
2023 Articolo su rivista Gennari, Rosella; Matera, Maristella; Melonio, Alessandra; Rizvi, Mehdi How to enable young teens to design responsibly in FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS, vol. 150, pp. 303-316 (ISSN 0167-739X)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5036148
2023 Prefazione/Postfazione Kubincova Z.; Melonio A.; Duraes D.; Carneiro D.R.; Rizvi M.; Lancia L. Preface , Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, vol. 538, pp. v-vi (ISBN 9780300159141)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5013829
2023 Articolo in Atti di convegno R. Gennari; A. Melonio; M.Rizvi A Tool for Guiding Teachers and their Learners: the Case Study of an Art Class , Proceedings of CHI 2023 the 32nd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Convegno: CHI 2023 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5011381
2023 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari, Rosella; Krik, Soufiane; Melonio, Alessandra A Toolkit for Human-Centred Engineering: An Experience with Pre-teens , bdelnour Nocera, J., Kristín Lárusdóttir, M., Petrie, H., Piccinno, A., Winckler, M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2023., Springer, vol. 14145, pp. 281-285, Convegno: INTERACT 2023 (ISBN 978-3-031-42292-8; 978-3-031-42293-5) (ISSN 0302-9743)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5035591
2023 Articolo in Atti di convegno Bonani, Andrea; Gennari, Rosella; Melonio, Alessandra; Rizvi, Mehdi Design and Computational Thinking with IoTgo: What Teachers Think , Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 12th International Conference. MIS4TEL 2022., Springer, vol. 580, pp. 165-174, Convegno: MIS4TEL 2022: Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 12th International Conference. (ISBN 978-3-031-20616-0; 978-3-031-20617-7) (ISSN 2367-3370)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5011864
2023 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari R.; Melonio A.; D'Angelo M. Engaging Learners in the Collaborative Design of Sustainable Smart Cities , CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS, vol. 3574, pp. 9-19, Convegno: 1st Sustainable, Secure, and Smart Collaboration Workshop, S3C 2023, 2023 (ISSN 1613-0073)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/5050500
2023 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari, Rosella; Melonio, Alessandra; Pellegrino, Maria Angela; D'Angelo, Mauro How to Playfully Teach AI to Young Learners: a Systematic Literature Review , CHItaly '23: Proceedings of the 15th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Convegno: CHITALY 2023
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5050481
2022 Articolo su rivista Rosella Gennari; Maristella Matera; Alessandra Melonio; Mehdi Rizvi; Eftychia Roumelioti The evolution of a toolkit for smart-thing design with children through action research in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHILD-COMPUTER INTERACTION, vol. 31 (ISSN 2212-8689)
- URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5003612
2022 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari R.; Matera M.; Melonio A.; Morra D.; Rizvi M. Ready, Steady, Go: Playing and Rapidly Designing with IoTgo , Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1-3, Convegno: AVI 2022: International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (ISBN 9781450397193)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5004460
2021 Articolo su rivista Gennari R.; Melonio A.; Rizvi M. From children's ideas to prototypes for the internet of things: a case study of cross-generational end-user design in BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, pp. 1-20 (ISSN 0144-929X)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3759188
2021 Articolo su rivista Turri S.; Rizvi M.; Rabini G.; Melonio A.; Gennari R.; Pavani F. Orienting auditory attention through vision: The impact of monaural listening in MULTISENSORY RESEARCH, vol. 35, pp. 1-28-28 (ISSN 2213-4794)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5003597
2021 Articolo su rivista Gennari R.; Matera M.; Melonio A.; Rizvi M.; Roumelioti E. Reflection and awareness in the design process: children ideating, programming and prototyping smart objects in MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 80, pp. 34909-34932 (ISSN 1380-7501)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5003532
2021 Prefazione/Postfazione Gennari R.; De Marsico M.; Melonio A.; Gena C.; De Russis L.; Spano L.D.; Chittaro L.; De Angeli A. CHItaly 2021: Frontiers of human-computer interaction , ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. III-IV
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/5004740
2021 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari R.; Matera M.; Melonio A.; Rizvi M.; Roumelioti E. A toolkit and lessons for designing smart things with children for outdoor environments , CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS, vol. 2901, pp. 41-47, Convegno: 2021 Workshop on Designing for/with/around Nature: Exploring New Frontiers of Outdoor-Related HCI, NatureHCI 2021, 2021 (ISSN 1613-0073)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/5004742
2021 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari R.; Melonio A.; Rizvi M.; Matera M. Physical or on the cloud: Play with IoTgo and design smart things , CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS, vol. 2934, Convegno: Joint 4th Workshop on Games-Human Interaction and 1st Workshop on Multi-Party Interaction in eXtended Reality, GHItaly and MIXR 2021, 2021 (ISSN 1613-0073)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/5004741
2020 Articolo su rivista Gennari R.; Melonio A.; Rizvi M. From TurnTalk to ClassTalk: the emergence of tangibles for class conversations in primary school classrooms in BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, vol. 39, pp. 88-107 (ISSN 0144-929X)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5003598
2020 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari R.; Melonio A.; Matera M.; Roumelioti E. A board game and a workshop for co-creating smart nature ecosystems , Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag, vol. 1007, pp. 137-145, Convegno: 9th International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, MIS4TEL 2019, 2019 (ISBN 978-3-030-23989-3; 978-3-030-23990-9) (ISSN 2194-5357)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5004743
2020 Articolo in Atti di convegno Melonio A.; Rizvi M.; Roumelioti E.; De Angeli A.; Gennari R.; Matera M. Children's Beliefs and Understanding of Smart Objects: An Exploratory Study , Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 1515 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10036-9998 USA, ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, pp. 1-8, Convegno: 2020 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, AVI 2020 (ISBN 9781450375351)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5003614
2020 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari R.; Matera M.; Melonio A.; Rizvi M.; Roumelioti E. Engaging pre-teens in ideating and programming smart objects through play , MIS4TEL 2020: Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 10th International Conference, Springer, vol. 1241 AISC, pp. 31-40, Convegno: International Conference in Methodologies and intelligent Systems for Techhnology Enhanced Learning (ISBN 978-3-030-52537-8; 978-3-030-52538-5)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5004464
2020 Articolo in Atti di convegno Eftychia Roumelioti; Rosella Gennari; Maristella Matera; Alessandra Melonio; Mehdi Rizvi Towards Making Children Independent in Design , DIS' 20 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 1601 Broadway, 10th Floor, NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES, ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, pp. 227-232, Convegno: ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (ISBN 9781450379878)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5004463
2019 Articolo su rivista Gennari R.; Melonio A.; Rizvi M. Turn taking with turn-talk in group: Actions and reflections with children and teachers in MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 78, pp. 13461-13487 (ISSN 1380-7501)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5003616
2019 Articolo in Atti di convegno gennari r.; matera m.; melonio a; roumelioti e.; A Board-Game for Co-Designing Smart Nature Environments in Workshops with Children , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, vol. 11553, pp. 132-148, Convegno: 7th International Symposium on End-User Development, IS-EUD 2019, 2019 (ISBN 978-3-030-24780-5; 978-3-030-24781-2)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5004462
2019 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari R.; Melonio A. Designing the internet of tangible things for outdoors environments with university students , ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 1601 Broadway, 10th Floor, NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1-9, Convegno: 13th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter Designing the Next Interaction, CHItaly 2019, 2019 (ISBN 9781450371902)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5004745
2019 Articolo in Atti di convegno R. Gennari; M. Matera;A. Melonio; Roumelioti.E; F. Delprino; G. Filaferro; M. Gennaioli; G. Manzi; V. Menabue; Interactive nature: designing smart devices for nature exploration by children , Proc. of the Biannual Conference of the Italian Chapter of SIGCHI 2019-Adjunct Proceedings, CLEUP (CHItaly'19), CLEUP sc, pp. 67-70, Convegno: CHITALY 2019 the Biannual Conference of the Italian Chapter of SIGCHI
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/5004746
2019 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari R.; Matera M.; Melonio A.; Roumelioti E. Research on Making Nature Smart with Children , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, vol. 11553, pp. 249-253, Convegno: 7th International Symposium on End-User Development, IS-EUD 2019, 2019 (ISBN 978-3-030-24780-5; 978-3-030-24781-2)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5003622
2019 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari R.; Matera M.; Melonio A.; Roumelioti E. SNAP 2: The evolution of a board game for smart nature environments , CHI PLAY 2019 - Extended Abstracts of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 1515 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10036-9998 USA, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, pp. 405-411, Convegno: 6th ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, CHI PLAY 2019, 2019 (ISBN 9781450368711)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5004744
2018 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari R.; Melonio A.; Rizvi M. Evolving tangibles for children's social learning through conversations: Beyond turntalk , TEI 2018 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 1515 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10036-9998 USA, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, vol. 2018-, pp. 368-375, Convegno: 12th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, TEI 2018, 2018
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085515
2018 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari, Rosella; Melonio, Alessandra; Rizvi, Mehdi Investigating class conversations with classtalk , Proceedings of the Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces AVI, 1515 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10036-9998 USA, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1-5, Convegno: 14th International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, AVI 2018, 2018
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085516
2018 Articolo in Atti di convegno Melonio, Alessandra Is Participatory Game Design Effective Over Time? Let’s Assess Its Products , Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, Springer Heidelberg, vol. 23, pp. 81-93, Convegno: 13th Conference of the Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems, ItAIS 2016, 2016 (ISBN 9783319620503; 9783319620510) (ISSN 2195-4968)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085514
2018 Articolo in Atti di convegno Elahi M; Gennari R; Melonio A; Ricci F It takes two, baby: Style and tangibles for recommending and interacting with videos , CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS, vol. 2140, Convegno: 9th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop, IIR 2018, 2018 (ISSN 1613-0073)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085513
2017 Articolo su rivista Gennari R.; Melonio A.; Raccanello D.; Brondino M.; Dodero G.; Pasini M.; Torello S. Children's emotions and quality of products in participatory game design in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, vol. 101, pp. 45-61 (ISSN 1071-5819)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5003617
2017 Articolo su rivista Gennari R.; Melonio A.; Torello S. Gamified probes for cooperative learning: a case study in MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 76, pp. 4925-4949 (ISSN 1380-7501)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5003595
2017 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari R.; Melonio A.; Rizvi M.; Bonani A. Design of IoT tangibles for primary schools: A case study , ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), vol. 131371, pp. 1-6, Convegno: 12th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter: Towards the Mediterranean, CHItaly 2017
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085512
2017 Articolo in Atti di convegno Melonio, Alessandra; Rizvi, Mehdi The Design of TurnTalk for the Scaffolding of Balanced Conversations in Groups of Children , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, vol. 10108 LNCS, pp. 278-287, Convegno: 1st International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education, SETE 2016 Held in Conjunction with ICWL 2016, 2016 (ISBN 9783319528359; 9783319528366) (ISSN 0302-9743)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085511
2017 Articolo in Atti di convegno Del Fatto, Vincenzo; Gennari, Rosella; Melonio, Alessandra; Raimato, Guerriero The Design of a Smart Tray with Its Canteen Users: A Formative Study , Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, GEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, SWITZERLAND, Springer Verlag, vol. 617, pp. 36-43, Convegno: 7th International Conference on Methodologies and intelligent Systems for Techhnology Enhanced Learning, MIS4TEL 2017, 2017 (ISBN 9783319608181; 9783319608198) (ISSN 2194-5357)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085509
2017 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari, Rosella; Melonio, Alessandra; Rizvi, Mehdi The Participatory Design Process of Tangibles for Children’s Socio-Emotional Learning , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Verlag, vol. 10303 LNCS, pp. 167-182, Convegno: 6th International Symposium on End-User Development, IS-EUD 2017, 2017 (ISBN 9783319587349; 9783319587356) (ISSN 0302-9743)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085510
2016 Articolo su rivista Dodero G; Gennari R; Melonio A Game design journeys in primary schools: How to in MONDO DIGITALE, vol. 15 (ISSN 1720-898X)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085508
2016 Articolo su rivista Di Mascio T.; Gennari R.; Melonio A.; Tarantino L. Supporting children in mastering temporal relations of stories: The TERENCE learning approach in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION TECHNOLOGIES, vol. 14, pp. 44-63 (ISSN 1539-3100)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5003594
2016 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari R.; Melonio A. A three-year long journey across the fields of participatory game design , CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS, vol. 1776, pp. 35-41, Convegno: 4th Edition of the International Workshop on Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age, CoPDA 2016, 2016 (ISSN 1613-0073)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085506
2016 Articolo in Atti di convegno Gennari R; Melonio A Guidelines for participatory design of digital games in primary school , Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, HEIDELBERGER PLATZ 3, D-14197 BERLIN, GERMANY, Springer Verlag, vol. 478, pp. 41-49, Convegno: 6th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, mis4TEL 2016, 2016 (ISBN 978-3-319-40164-5; 978-3-319-40165-2) (ISSN 2194-5357)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085507
2015 Articolo su rivista Dodero, Gabriella ; Gennari, Rosella ; Melonio, Alessandra ; Torello, Santina "Alex in the country of computer science objects": Play, explore and learn applications of computer science with the junior ones in MONDO DIGITALE, vol. 14, pp. 14-31 (ISSN 1720-898X)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085503
2015 Articolo in Atti di convegno Dodero G, Gennari R, Melonio A, Torello S "there is no rose without a thorn": An assessment of a game design experience for children , ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 28, pp. 10-17, Convegno: 11th Biannual Conference of the ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter, CHItaly 2015, 2015 (ISBN 9781450336840)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085504
2015 Articolo in Atti di convegno Brondino, Margherita; Dodero, Gabriella; Gennari, Rosella; Melonio, Alessandra; Pasini, Margherita; Raccanello, Daniela; Torello, Santina Emotions and inclusion in co-design at school: Let’s measure them! , Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, HEIDELBERGER PLATZ 3, D-14197 BERLIN, GERMANY, Springer Verlag, vol. 374, pp. 1-8, Convegno: 1st International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, MIS4TEL 2015, 2015 (ISBN 978-3-319-19631-2; 978-3-319-19632-9) (ISSN 2194-5357)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085502
2015 Articolo in Atti di convegno Corral L.; Fronza I.; Gennari R.; Melonio A. From game design with children to game development with university students , ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 28, pp. 30-33, Convegno: 11th Biannual Conference of the ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter, CHItaly 2015, 2015 (ISBN 9781450336840)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5003623
2015 Articolo in Atti di convegno Dodero, Gabriella ; Gennari, Rosella ; Melonio, Alessandra PALX: Player and learner experience design: Can we design for both? , ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 28, pp. 186-187, Convegno: 11th Biannual Conference of the ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter, CHItaly 2015, 2015 (ISBN 9781450336840)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085505
2014 Articolo in Atti di convegno Tania Mascio ; Rosella Gennari ; Alessandra Melonio ; Laura Tarantino Engaging “New users” into design activities: The TERENCE experience with children , Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, Springer Heidelberg, vol. 7, pp. 241-250, Convegno: Smart Organizations and Smart Artifacts (ISBN 978-3-319-07039-1; 978-3-319-07040-7) (ISSN 2195-4968)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085497
2014 Articolo in Atti di convegno Dodero, Gabriella; Melonio, Alessandra; Gennari, Rosella; Torello, Santina Gamified Co-design with cooperative learning , Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 707-716, Convegno: 32nd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA 2014, 2014 (ISBN 9781450324748)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085500
2014 Articolo in Atti di convegno Del Fatto V.; Dodero G.; Gennari R.; Melonio A.; Montali M.; Razniewski S.; Torello S.; Wang X.; Zini F. Gamified children universities: An exploratory study , CHI PLAY 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), pp. 409-410, Convegno: CHI PLAY 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (ISBN 9781450330145)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5013841
2014 Articolo in Atti di convegno Melonio A. Gamified co-design with cooperative learning at school , CHI PLAY 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 295-298, Convegno: 1st ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, CHI PLAY 2014, 2014 (ISBN 9781450330145)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5003625
2014 Articolo in Atti di convegno di Mascio, Tania; Gennari, Rosella; Melonio, A.; Vittorini, Pierpaolo Gamify Your Field Studies for Learning about Your Learners , Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag, vol. 292, pp. 135-142, Convegno: Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (ISBN 9783319076973; 9783319076980) (ISSN 2194-5357)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085499
2014 Articolo in Atti di convegno di Mascio T.; Melonio A.; Tarantino L.; Vittorini P. Many children and short project timing: How TERENCE harmonized these conflicting requirements , Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag, vol. 292, pp. 69-76, Convegno: Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (ISBN 9783319076973; 9783319076980) (ISSN 2194-5357)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085498
2014 Articolo in Atti di convegno Dodero, Gabriella ; Gennari, Rosella ; Melonio, Alessandra ; Torello, Santina Towards tangible gamified co-design at school: Two studies in primary schools , CHI PLAY 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 77-86, Convegno: 1st ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, CHI PLAY 2014, 2014 (ISBN 9781450330145)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085501
2013 Articolo su rivista Mascio T.D.; Gennari R.; Melonio A.; Vittorini P. Designing games for deaf children: First guidelines in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING, vol. 5, pp. 223-239 (ISSN 1753-5255)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085494
2013 Articolo in Atti di convegno melonio Game-based co-design of games for learning with children and teachers: Research goals and a study , CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS, vol. 1065, pp. 11-22, Convegno: 2013 CHItaly Doctoral Consortium, CHItaly-DC 2013 - Co-located with the 10th International Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, CHItaly 2013, 2013 (ISSN 1613-0073)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085493
2013 Articolo in Atti di convegno melonio; gennari R. How to design games for deaf children: Evidence-based guidelines , Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag, vol. 218, pp. 83-92, Convegno: 2nd International Workshop on Evidence-based Technology Enhanced Learning (ISBN 978-3-319-00553-9; 978-3-319-00554-6) (ISSN 2194-5357)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085495
2013 Articolo in Atti di convegno Di Mascio T.; Gennari R.; Melonio A.; Vittorini P. Play and learn about your learners to early form your TEL design , CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS, vol. 1147, Convegno: 2nd Workshop on Technology Enhanced Formative Assessment, TEFA 2013 - Co-located with the 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2013, 2013 (ISSN 1613-0073)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085492
2013 Articolo in Atti di convegno Cecilia M R ; Di Mascio T; Melonio A; The 1st release of the Terence learner GUI: The user-based usability evaluation , Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag, vol. 218, pp. 1-8, Convegno: 2nd International Workshop on Evidence-based Technology Enhanced Learning (ISBN 978-3-319-00553-9; 978-3-319-00554-6) (ISSN 2194-5357)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085496
2012 Articolo in Atti di convegno Di Mascio, Tania; Gennari, Rosella; Melonio, Alessandra; Vittorini, Pierpaolo The User Classes Building Process in a TEL Project , Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Springer, vol. 152 AISC, pp. 107-114, Convegno: International Workshop on Evidence-Based Technology Enhanced Learning, ebTEL'12, 2012 (ISBN 9783642288005; 9783642288012) (ISSN 1867-5662)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085489
2012 Articolo in Atti di convegno Di Mascio T.; Vittorini P.; Gennari R.; Melonio A.; De La Prieta F.; Alrifai M. The learners' user classes in the TERENCE adaptive learning system , Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2012, IEEE, pp. 572-576, Convegno: 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2012, 2012 (ISBN 978-1-4673-1642-2; 978-0-7695-4702-2)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085491
2012 Articolo in Atti di convegno Melonio, A.; Tarantino, L.; Di Mascio, T. Towards ICT support for elderly displaced people: Looking for natural gestures , Information Systems: a crossroads for Organization, Management, Accounting and Engineering, Springer, pp. 135-143, Convegno: The Italian Association on Information Systems and this conference (ISBN 978-3-7908-2788-0; 978-3-7908-2789-7)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5003599
2012 Articolo in Atti di convegno Di Mascio, Tania; Gennari, Rosella; Melonio, Alessandra; Vittorini, Pierpaolo Visual representations of narratives for poor comprehenders , Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Springer, vol. 152, pp. 91-98, Convegno: International Workshop on Evidence-Based Technology Enhanced Learning, ebTEL'12, 2012 (ISBN 978-3-642-28800-5; 978-3-642-28801-2) (ISSN 1867-5662)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5085490