Francesco RULLANI
- Qualifica
- Professore Ordinario
- Incarichi
Rappresentante del Venice School of Management nel Board di Ateneo della Sostenibilità
- Telefono
- 041 234 7428
- Economia e gestione delle imprese [ECON-07/A]
- Sito web
- (scheda personale)
- Struttura
Venice School of Management
Sito web struttura:
Sede: San Giobbe
Anno | Tipologia | Pubblicazione |
Anno | Tipologia | Pubblicazione |
2024 | Articolo su rivista |
Perri, Alessandra; Rullani, Francesco; Giuliani, Elisa; Sabbadin, Elisa; Oriani, Raffaele Time is the enemy: The speed of proximity‐based knowledge diffusion in JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, vol. online, pp. 1-25 (ISSN 0022-4146) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5082294 |
2024 | Articolo su libro |
Francesco Rullani La rivoluzione digitale e nuove categorie dell’economia in Francesco Giuliani, TAX & DIGITAL, Bari, Cacucci Editore, pp. 31-36 (ISBN 9791259653758) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5082295 |
2024 | Working paper |
Giacomo Buzzao; Francesco Rullani; Giovanni Putoto; Marcello Mazzotta A Cost-Effectiveness Assessment of an Ambulance-Based Referral System for Emergencies: The Case of Beira, Mozambique , Venezia, Ca' Foscari University, Dept. of Management, vol. 2, pp. 1-34 - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5057002 |
2023 | Articolo su rivista |
Maiolini, R; Versari, P; Rullani, F; Seitanidi, MM The Role of Community Participation in Cross-Sector Social Partnerships in NONPROFIT AND VOLUNTARY SECTOR QUARTERLY, vol. 52, pp. 1386-1412 (ISSN 0899-7640) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5010525 |
2023 | Working paper |
Antonella Angelini; Zena Al-Esia; Yorgancioglu Ayse; Tim Bartley; Nadia Bernaz; Flaviano Bianchini; Flora Panna Biro; Ignas Bruder; Rachele Cavara; Luciana Oranges Cezarino; Andrew Crane; Elisa Giuliani; Maria-Therese Gustafsson; Tamara Horbachevska; Iatridis Kostas; Chiara Macchi; Johanna Mair; Sébastien Mena; Anna Moretti; John Murray; Federica Nieri; Andjela Pavlovic; Francesco Rullani; Olena Uvarova Zena Al-Esia;; Francesco Zirpoli REBALANCING DISRUPTIVE BUSINESS OF MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS AND GLOBAL VALUE CHAINS WITHIN DEMOCRATIC AND INCLUSIVE CITIZENSHIP PROCESSES- REVIEW WORKING PAPER DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5041600 |
2022 | Articolo su rivista |
Dalle, Jean-Michel; David, Paul A; Rullani, Francesco; Bolici, Francesco The interplay between volunteers and firm’s employees in distributed innovation: emergent architectures and stigmergy in open source software in INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE, vol. 31, pp. 1358-1386 (ISSN 0960-6491) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5001611 |
2022 | Articolo su libro |
Capo F.; Rullani F. Being for Profit, Non-profit, or Both? The Risk Advantage of Social Enterprises in the Face of Shocks , Issues in Business Ethics, Springer Science and Business Media B.V., vol. 62, pp. 187-214 (ISBN 978-3-030-96595-2; 978-3-030-96596-9) (ISSN 0925-6733) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3762478 |
2022 | Working paper |
Querci, Ilaria; Rullani, Francesco Artificial Intelligence Creativity Support Tools for Creating Social Enterprises' Business Models , vol. 2022 (ISSN 2239-2734) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5001612 |
2022 | Working paper |
Riccardo Maiolini; Francesca Capo; Francesco Rullani; Tommaso Ramus Stigmatizzati, ma perché? Come il Settore Cooperativo ha Reagito in Risposta allo Scandalo di Mafia Capitale , Venezia, Dipartimento di Management, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, vol. 4, pp. 1-58 - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5013201 |
2021 | Articolo su rivista |
Rullani F.; Beukel K.; De Angelis M. Anti-counterfeiting strategy unfolded: A closer look to the case of a large multinational manufacturer in STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, vol. 42, pp. 2084-2103 (ISSN 0143-2095) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3742272 |
2021 | Articolo su rivista |
Boudreau K.J.; Jeppesen L.B.; Reichstein T.; Rullani F. Crowdfunding as Donations to Entrepreneurial Firms in RESEARCH POLICY, vol. 50, pp. 1-16 (ISSN 0048-7333) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3742274 |
2021 | Articolo su rivista |
Aksoy-Yurdagul D.; Rullani F.; Rossi-Lamastra C. Designing shared spaces for firm-community collaborations for innovation: Formal policies and coordination in open source projects in CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, vol. 30, pp. 164-181 (ISSN 0963-1690) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3736974 |
2021 | Articolo su rivista |
Nicolai J Foss; Lars Bo Jeppesen; Francesco Rullani How context and attention shape behaviors in online communities: a modified garbage can model in INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE, vol. 30, pp. 1-18 (ISSN 0960-6491) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3735006 |
2021 | Articolo su rivista |
Coro Giancarlo, Plechero Monica, Rullani Francesco, Volpe Mario Industry 4.0 technological trajectories and traditional manufacturing regions: the role of knowledge workers in REGIONAL STUDIES, vol. 55, pp. 1681-1695 (ISSN 1360-0591) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3740876 |
2021 | Articolo su rivista |
Becker, Markus C.; Rullani, Francesco; Zirpoli, Francesco The role of digital artefacts in early stages of distributed innovation processes in RESEARCH POLICY, vol. 50, pp. 1-11 (ISSN 0048-7333) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3742544 |
2021 | Articolo su libro |
Massimiliano Nuccio; Francesco Rullani Digitalizzazione e reti di impresa , Osservatorio nazionale sulle reti d'impresa 2021, Venezia, Edizioni Ca' Foscari, pp. 61-74 (ISBN 978-88-6969-575-9; 978-88-6969-574-2) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3743751 |
2021 | Articolo su libro |
Bega, E., Mongelli, L., Rullani, F., Sedita, S.R. Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Between Global North and Global South: The Ashoka Case in Sedita S.R., Blasi S., Rethinking Clusters, Springer, pp. 159-173 (ISBN 9783030619220; 9783030619237) (ISSN 2523-3092) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3742374 |
2020 | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
Luca Mongelli; Francesco Rullani; Antonino Vaccaro; Pietro Versari Social Business Hybrids’ Diversification: Effects on Socioeconomic Combined Performance , ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNUAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS in ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNUAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS, ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT, Convegno: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (ISSN 2151-6561) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3736976 |
2020 | Working paper |
Edoardo Ferrucci; Francesco Rullani Re-designing knowledge production in the Post-Covid-19 era. A task-based approach , vol. 2020 (ISSN 2239-2734) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3736971 |
2020 | Working paper |
Paolo E. Giordani; Francesco Rullani The Digital Revolution and COVID-19 (ISSN 2239-2734) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3736972 |
2020 | Working paper |
Giancarlo Corò, Monica Plechero, Francesco Rullani, Mario Volpe The Evolution of Technological Space and Firms’ Workforce Composition in a Manufacturing Region , vol. WP 12/2020, pp. 1-35 - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3728740 |
2019 | Articolo su rivista |
Brunetta, F; Censi, A; Rullani, F.; Vicentini, F. Reti strategiche: far leva sulla complementarità per uscire dai confini distrettuali in STATO E MERCATO, vol. 3, pp. 485-525 (ISSN 0392-9701) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717686 |
2019 | Articolo su rivista |
Luca Mongelli; Francesco Rullani; Tommaso Ramus; Tomislav Rimac The Bright Side of Hybridity. Exploring How Social Enterprises Manage and Leverage Their Hybrid Nature in JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, vol. 159, pp. 301-305 (ISSN 1573-0697) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717660 |
2019 | Articolo su libro |
Francesco Rullani Internazionalizzazione e sostenibilità ambientale e sociale: un sentiero in divenire ricco di opportunità , L’Italia nell’economia internazionale, International Trade Agency (ICE) (ISBN 9788898597222) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724557 |
2019 | Articolo in Atti di convegno |
Francesca Capo; Francesco Rullani; Tommaso Ramus; Federica Brunetta Less is More? Logic Multiplicity and Organizational Performance: Evidence from the US Healthcare Industry , European Academy of Management Proceedings 2019, European Academy of Management, Convegno: European Academy of Management 2019 (ISBN 978-2-9602195-1-7) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724723 |
2019 | Articolo in Atti di convegno |
Capo, Francesca; Maiolini, Riccardo; Ramus, Tommaso; Rullani, Francesco Not in Our Name! How Fields React to Stigma Contagion: Italian Co-ops Facing a Mafia Scandal , European Academy of Management Proceedings 2019, European Academy of Management, Convegno: European Academy of Management 2019 (ISBN 978-2-9602195-1-7) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724681 |
2018 | Monografia o trattato scientifico |
Francesco Rullani; Enzo Rullani Dentro la rivoluzione digitale: per una nuova cultura dell’impresa e del management , Giappichelli, pp. 1-281 (ISBN 9788892176942) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717672 |
2018 | Articolo su rivista |
Giordani, Paolo E; Rullani, Francesco; Zirulia, Lorenzo Endogenous growth of open collaborative innovation communities: A supply-side perspective in INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE, vol. 27, pp. 745-762 (ISSN 0960-6491) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717670 |
2018 | Articolo su rivista |
Mattia Margonari; Francesca Capo; Francesco Rullani; Luca Mongelli Everyone is a Changemaker, but is Every Change the Right One? Assessing the Alignment Between Ashoka Fellows’ Missions and the Most Urgent Issues Affecting Their Countries in SOCIAL INNOVATIONS JOURNAL, vol. N/D, pp. 1-10 - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717671 |
2018 | Articolo su rivista |
Riccardo Maiolini; Elio Petti; Francesco Rullani L’innovazione dei modelli di business nella sharing economy: il caso italiano del car sharing in SINERGIE, vol. 36, pp. 203-224 (ISSN 0393-5108) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717663 |
2018 | Articolo su rivista |
Mongelli, Luca; Versari, Pietro; Rullani, Francesco; Vaccaro, Antonino Made in Carcere: Integral Human Development in Extreme Conditions in JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, vol. 152, pp. 977-995 (ISSN 0167-4544) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717664 |
2018 | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
Daniel Ehls, Markus Baer, Karim R. Lakhani, Jack A. Nickerson, Francesco Rullani, Georg Von Krogh Problem Formulation: Identification of the ‘Right’ Problem for Improved Innovative Performance , ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNUAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS, ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT, Convegno: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (ISSN 0065-0668) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724680 |
2018 | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
Maiolini, Riccardo; Rullani, Francesco; Versari, Pietro Unfolding Collective Social Entrepreneurship , ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNUAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS, ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT, vol. 2018, pp. 14948, Convegno: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (ISSN 0065-0668) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724679 |
2017 | Articolo su rivista |
Lavorgna, Luigi; Russo, Antonio; De Stefano, Manuela; Lanzillo, Roberta; Esposito, Sabrina; MOSHTARI, FATEMEH; RULLANI, FRANCESCO; Piscopo, Kyrie; Buonanno, Daniela; Brescia Morra, Vincenzo; Gallo, Antonio; Tedeschi, Gioacchino; Bonavita, Simona Health-Related Coping and Social Interaction in People with Multiple Sclerosis Supported by a Social Network: Pilot Study With a New Methodological Approach in INTERACTIVE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH, vol. 6, pp. 1-10 (ISSN 1929-073X) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717666 |
2017 | Articolo su rivista |
MONGELLI, LUCA; RULLANI, FRANCESCO; VERSARI, PIETRO Hybridisation of diverging institutional logics through common-note practices. An analogy with music and the case of social enterprises in INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION, vol. 24, pp. 492-514 (ISSN 1366-2716) DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717668 |
2017 | Articolo su rivista |
MONGELLI, LUCA; RULLANI, FRANCESCO Inequality and marginalisation: social innovation, social entrepreneurship and business model innovation: The common thread of the DRUID Summer Conference 2015 in INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION, vol. 24, pp. 446-467 (ISSN 1366-2716) DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717661 |
2017 | Recensione in rivista |
MONGELLI, LUCA; RULLANI, FRANCESCO Creating Value in Nonprofit-Business Collaborations: New Thinking and Practice in BUSINESS ETHICS QUARTERLY, vol. 27, pp. 151-154 (ISSN 1052-150X) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717673 |
2017 | Articolo su libro |
Caroli M.G.; Tamburini Samuele; Mongelli Luca; Rullani Francesco Impact investing: lezioni dalla Svezia , L'innovazione delle imprese leader per creare valore sociale: terzo rapporto CERIIS sull’innovazione sociale, Franco Angeli, pp. 250-271 (ISBN 9788891754332) - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717669 |
2017 | Articolo su libro |
Paolo Boccardelli e Donato Iacovone; Enzo Rullani; Francesco Rullani Innovazione continua: becoming, il mondo in divenire , L'impresa di diventare digitale: come la rivoluzione tecnologica sta influenzando la gestione di impresa, Il Mulino, pp. 253-289 (ISBN 9788815274045) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717667 |
2016 | Articolo su rivista |
Di Maria, Eleonora;
Finotto, V;
Rullani, F; INNOVAZIONE SIMBOLICA E COMUNITÀ DI CONSUMATORI in ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE. OLTRE IL PONTE, vol. 2016, pp. 38-47 (ISSN 1827-2479) DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3683936 |
2016 | Articolo su rivista |
Foss Nicolai J.; Frederiksen Lars; Rullani Francesco Problem-formulation and problem-solving in self-organized communities: How modes of communication shape project behaviors in the free open-source software community in STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, vol. 37, pp. 2589-2610 (ISSN 0143-2095) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717662 |
2016 | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
Mongelli, Luca; Versari, Pietro; Rullani, Francesco; Vaccaro, Antonino Social Entrepreneurship and Empowerment: Safe Space and Bridging In The Case Of MadeInCarcere , ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNUAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS, ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT, vol. 2016, pp. 14219, Convegno: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (ISSN 0065-0668) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724678 |
2015 | Articolo su rivista |
Mongelli L.; Leone M.I.; Martini A.; Rullani F.; Bjork J.; Visscher K. Editorial in CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, vol. 24, pp. 1-3 (ISSN 0963-1690) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3735134 |
2015 | Articolo su rivista |
BRUNETTA, FEDERICA; Censi, Anna; RULLANI, FRANCESCO; VICENTINI, FRANCESCA Reti strategiche come evoluzione delle reti emergenti: l'esperienza di due contratti di rete nel bresciano in SINERGIE, vol. 98, pp. 261-285 (ISSN 0393-5108) DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717609 |
2015 | Articolo su libro |
Matteo G. Caroli; Maiolini Riccardo; Mongelli Luca; Rullani Francesco; Valera Alessandro Da dove nasce l’innovazione sociale? La comunità degli innovatori sociali nel network Ashoka: evidenze empiriche tra regioni e settori , Modelli ed esperienze di innovazione sociale in Italia: secondo rapporto sull'innovazione sociale, Franco Angeli, pp. 229-249 (ISBN 9788891733924) - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717677 |
2015 | Articolo su libro |
Agarwal R Selen W Roos G. and Green R.; Consoli Davide; Elche Dioni; Rullani Francesco Employment and skill configurations in KIBS sectors: a longitudinal analysis , The Handbook of Service Innovation, Springer-Verlag, pp. 213-235 (ISBN 9781447165897) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717674 |
2015 | Articolo su libro |
Fontana F. Boccardelli P.; Costabile M.; Maiolini R.; Prencipe Andrea; Rullani F. La Corporate Entrepreneurship , Corporate Strategy. Una prospettiva organizzativa e finanziaria per la crescita, Hoepli, pp. 179-213 (ISBN 9788820363055) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717676 |
2015 | Articolo su libro |
E. Di Maria;
V. Finotto;
F. Rullani User Innovation in Creative Industries , The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 301-319 (ISBN 9780199603510) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3636694 |
2015 | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
Perri, A.; Oriani, R.; Rullani, F. MNC strategies to limit spillovers: How subsidiaries manage knowledge breadth to decrease spillovers in Perri A., Oriani R., Rullani F., 2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings in ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNUAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS, Academy of Management, vol. 2015, pp. 14688-14688, Convegno: Academy of Management (ISSN 2151-6561) DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3671373 |
2014 | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
Aksoy-Yurdagul, Dilan; Rullani, Francesco; Rossi-Lamastra, Cristina Organizing Firm-Community Collaboration for Growth , ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNUAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS, ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT, vol. 2014, pp. 12067, Convegno: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (ISSN 0065-0668) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724674 |
2014 | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
Beukel, Karin; Rullani, Francesco Strategies from the counterfeiting battlefield - Protecting firms’ identity , ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNUAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS, ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT, vol. 2014, pp. 12347, Convegno: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (ISSN 0065-0668) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724675 |
2013 | Monografia o trattato scientifico |
Elena Calzolaio; Fulvio D'Alvia; Paolo di Marco; Francesco Rullani; Massimo Tronci Il Management delle reti d'impresa. Dalla costituzione alla gestione operativa , RetImpresa, pp. 1-127 (ISBN 9788890848605) - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717684 |
2013 | Articolo su rivista |
Maiolini, R.; RULLANI, FRANCESCO; Versari, P. Rendere sociali le imprese. Impatto sociale, confini dell’impresa e rete di stakeholder in IMPRESA SOCIALE, vol. N/D, pp. 3-20 (ISSN 2282-1694) - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717681 |
2013 | Articolo su rivista |
Francesco Rullani; Stefan Haefliger The periphery on stage: the intra-organizational dynamics in online communities of creation in RESEARCH POLICY, vol. 42, pp. 941-953 (ISSN 0048-7333) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717682 |
2013 | Articolo su libro |
Rullani F.; Becker B.; Zirpoli F. Coordination of joint search in distributed innovation processes. Lessons from the effects of initial code release in Open Source Software development , Working Paper Series Dipartimento di Management, Dipartimento di Management, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, pp. 1-30 (ISSN 2239-2734) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/38535 |
2013 | Articolo in Atti di convegno |
RULLANI, FRANCESCO; Censi, Anna; Vicentini, Francesca; BRUNETTA, FEDERICA Reti Strategiche oltre i distretti: l'esperienza dei contratti di rete nel bresciano , XXXVI Conference AIDEA, AIDEA, Convegno: AIDEA Bicentenary conference, 19-21 settembre 2013 (ISBN 978-88-6611-294-5) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3717683 |
2013 | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
Rullani, Francesco; Zirulia, Lorenzo A supply-side story for a threshold model: Endogenous growth of open innovation communities , ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT PROCEEDINGS, ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT, vol. 2013, pp. 16674, Convegno: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (ISSN 0065-0668) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724670 |
2013 | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
Becker M.; Rullani F.; Zirpoli F. Cognitive Alignment through Artefacts in Distributed Innovation: The Role of Initial Code Release in Open Source Software , ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNUAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS, ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT, Convegno: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (ISSN 0065-0668) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/37711 |
2013 | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
A. Perri; R. Oriani; F. Rullani Does Co-Location Accelerate Knowledge Outflows from FDI? The Role of MMC Subsidiaries' Technology Sourcing Strategies , Proceedings of the 55° Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, "Bridging the Divide: Linking IB to Complementary Disciplines and Practices" in PROCEEDINGS OF THE ... ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, East Lansing : AIB Executive Secretariat, Convegno: Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business (ISSN 2078-0435) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/37803 |
2012 | Abstract in Rivista |
Alessandra Perri; Raffaele Oriani; Francesco Rullani Does Co-Location Accelerate FDI Knowledge Outflows? The Role of Subsidiaries' Technology Sourcing in ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNUAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS, vol. 1 (ISSN 2151-6561) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724667 |
2012 | Articolo su libro |
Belussi F.;Staber U.; RULLANI F. Creativity and the community Reflexivity and creation in the Free/Libre/Open Source Software community , Managing Networks of Creativity, Routledge, pp. 281-300 (ISBN 9780415887649) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3721245 |
2012 | Articolo su libro |
Perri, Alessandra; Oriani, Raffaele; Rullani, Francesco Does co-location accelerate knowledge outflows from FDI? The role of MNC subsidiaries' technology sourcing strategies in A. Perri; R. Oriani; F. Rullani, DRUID'S WORKING PAPER SERIES, DRUID (Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics), Copenhagen Business School, Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy/Aalborg University, Department of Business Studies, pp. 1-30 (ISBN 9788778733375) - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/37127 |
2012 | Voce in dizionario/enciclopedia |
Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani; F. Rullani Open Source , Economia e Finanza, Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani, vol. 2, pp. --- (ISBN 9788812001293) - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3721251 |
2012 | Voce in dizionario/enciclopedia |
Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani; Rullani Francesco QWERTY , Dizionario di Economia e Finanza, Istituto della enciclopedia italiana Treccani, pp. --- (ISBN 9788812001293) - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3721252 |
2011 | Articolo in Atti di convegno |
Francesco Rullani Firms' Participation Strategies and Performances of OSS Projects: An Empirical Analysis , Continuous Innovation: Doing More with Less, CINet, pp. 1-17, Convegno: 12th International CINet Conference, 11-13 September 2011 (ISBN 9789077360002) - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724661 |
2011 | Curatela |
(a cura di) Frederiksen L.; Dahlander L.; Rullani F. Online communities and open innovation: governance and symbolic value creation , Routledge, pp. 1-122 (ISBN 9780415617482) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3721249 |
2010 | Articolo su rivista |
GIURI P.; PLONER M.; RULLANI F.; TORRISI S. Skills, Division of Labor and Performance in Collective Inventions: Evidence From Open Source Software in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION, vol. 28, pp. 54-68 (ISSN 0167-7187) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724663 |
2010 | Articolo su libro |
David B. Audretsch ... [et al.] editors; P. Giuri; F. Rullani; S. Torrisi A test of Lazear’s theory of entrepreneurship in the Open Source Software virtual community , New frontiers in entrepreneurship: recognizing, seizing, and executing opportunities, Springer, pp. 197-221 (ISBN 9781441900579) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3721246 |
2010 | Articolo in Atti di convegno |
CONALDI G; F. RULLANI The Meso-level Structure of F/OSS Collaboration Network: Local Communities and Their Innovativeness , Open Source Software: New Horizons: 6th International IFIP WG 2.13 Conference on Open Source Systems, OSS 2010, Notre Dame, IN, USA, May 30 – June 2, 2010. Proceedings, IFIP, pp. 42-52, Convegno: Sixth International Conference on Open Source Systems, 30 maggio - 2 giugno 2010 (ISBN 9783642132438) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724662 |
2009 | Articolo su rivista |
F. RULLANI Creativity and the community. Reflexivity and creation in the Free/Libre/Open Source Software community in SINERGIE, vol. 15/09, pp. 125-144 (ISSN 0393-5108) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724711 |
2008 | Articolo su rivista |
DAVID P.A; RULLANI F. Dynamics of Innovation in an "Open Source" Collaboration Environment: Lurking, Laboring and Launching FLOSS Projects on SourceForge in INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE, vol. 17, pp. 647-710 (ISSN 0960-6491) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724686 |
2008 | Articolo su rivista |
GIURI P; RULLANI F.; TORRISI S. Explaining leadership in virtual teams: the case of open source software in INFORMATION ECONOMICS AND POLICY, vol. 20, pp. 305-315 (ISSN 0167-6245) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724682 |
2008 | Articolo su rivista |
FREDERIKSEN L.; DAHLANDER L; RULLANI F. Online Communities and Open Innovation: Governance and Symbolic Value Creation in INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION, vol. 15, pp. 115-123 (ISSN 1366-2716) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724685 |
2007 | Articolo su rivista |
GIURI P.; PLONER M.; RULLANI F.; TORRISI S. An explorative study of skills an openness in Open Source Software projects in SINERGIE, vol. 26, pp. 275-287 (ISSN 0393-5108) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3721250 |
2007 | Articolo su libro |
St. Amant K.;Still B.; Nuvolari, Alessandro; Rullani, Francesco Curious exceptions? Open source software and "open" technology , Handbook of Research on Open Source Software: Technological, Economic, and Social Perspectives, IGI Global, pp. 227-239 (ISBN 9781591409991) DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724688 |
2007 | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
ROSSI C; RULLANI F; DALLE JM Toward a new industrial organization? OSS in economic and managerial perspective , Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation: IFIP Working Group 2.13 on Open Source Software, June 11–14, 2007, Limerick, Ireland, IFIP, vol. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, 2007, Volume 234, Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation, pp. 377-379, Convegno: 3rd International Conference on Open Source Systems 2007, 11-14 giugno 2007 (ISBN 9780387724867) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724689 |
2006 | Articolo su libro |
Andrea Bonaccorsi Cristina Rossi; P. Giuri; F. Rullani; S. Torrisi Survival and activity of OSS projects , Economic perspectives on open source software: intellectual property, knowledge-based communities, and the software industry, Franco Angeli, pp. 157-173 (ISBN 9788846484192) - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3721248 |
2006 | Articolo in Atti di convegno |
DAVID P.A.; RULLANI F. The micro-dynamics of open source software development activity , Open Source Systems IFIP Working Group 2.13 Foundation on Open Source Software, June 8-10, 2006, Como, Italy, IFIP, vol. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR INFORMATION PROCESSING Volume: 203, pp. 339-340, Convegno: International Conference on Open Software 2006, 8-10 giugno 2006 (ISBN 0387342257) DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3724687 |