Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM8V35 (AF:302137 AR:166582)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
Within the framework of the master MIM, this course foresees to provide essential skills for the insertion of students in the labor market. In detail the course will focus on the development of project proposals as well as on the management of development projects. The main educational objectives are: a) to develop basic knowledge on the development of project proposals; b)to provide a clear and precise work methodology in terms of progression/ dimension/ elements, based on best practices; c) Analyse key concepts and guidelines for an effective project management through tangible examples based on lessons learned.
Knowledge: (i) logic and principles of funding programmes; (ii) evaluation criteria; (iii) methodological approach ( project cycle management).
Skills (i) Identification of project proposals (ii) development of project proposals (iii) management and evaluation of projects; (iv) development of the logicalframework and use of this tool of a correct project management; (v) elaboration of reports; (vi) development and analysis of budgets.
the requirement are those for the access to the Venice module of the Master, Students have accomplished them with the enrollment.
10 lessons 3 hours each
1) What is a project? pro and cons of project approach, Introduction to PCM (project cycle management): the project cycle steps : ( programming, identification, formulation, implementation, evaluation).
2)Identification . tools and best practices for the conception of a project : stakholders and SWOT analysis, problems and objectives trees+ creation of groups ( exercise : problems and objectives trees)
3) Formulation I. Presentation of most used templates fo project proposals ( concept notes and full proposals) . introduction to logical framework and vertical ligic. Objectives,outcomes, outputs and activities - the assumptions column ( exercise 2.1 development of the logical framework)
4) Formulation II. Indicators and sources of verification. What is an indicator? the different kind of indicators. SMART indicator, how to measure project progresses. introduction to theory of change. ( excercise 2.2 ( complteing the logical framework+ ToC)
5) Formulation III Budget. Presentation of most used budget templates. how to develop and analyses a budget. ( 3 from logical framework to Budget)
6) Implementation and monitoring: Advices for the correct implementation of a project. Presentation of monitoring tools: indicator tracking table, monitoring plan). Tolls for implementation: workplan and budget forecast.
7) Reporting. Presentation of templates of main donors. advisesfor the development of a good report ( exercise 4 reporting an underachievement)
8) Evaluation. why we need to evaluate a project? external and internal evaluation. key issues. how to coordinate an evaluation.
9) and 10) presentations, analysis and final evaluation
Being a practice based course there are no compulsory readings.
Optional / recommended reading:
-Eurpean commission:Aid Delivery Methods - Project Cycle Management Guidelines Vol 1 - Guidelines:
-Managing Multilateral Projects in the Lifelong Learning Programmed - Survival Kit ( )
- UNDG-UNDAF-Companion-Pieces-7-Theory-of-Change
-Theory,of,Change,Basics A,PRIMER,ON,THEORY,OF,CHANGE-
-Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation Using the Logical Framework Approach-
The verification is done through written exercises and a final presentation.
the final evaluation will be based on the average of the marks obtained for each of the following exercises: problems/objective trees, logical framework, Theory of change, Budget, workplan and reporting. Moreover,the students will present the exercises done in groups.
The course foresees lectures, project work and problem based learning in groups and role play.
Language: English
written and oral

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 29/09/2019