
30 Apr 2025 12:30

Migration, diversity and productivity in UK firms

San Giobbe - Aula Saraceno

Questo evento fa parte delle VSM Lectures, una serie di seminari tenuti da accademici illustri, provenienti da prestigiose università e istituzioni internazionali. I relatori e le relatrici presentano i loro recenti studi, condividono i principali risultati e approfondiscono l'impatto loro lavoro di ricerche che la società e le imprese stanno affrontando.

Migration, diversity and productivity in UK firms

A cura di Max Nathan, Professor of Economic Geography at CASA, University College London

L'evento sarà disponibile anche online via Gmeet


We look at the effects of skilled migrants and migrant diversity on firm productivity, using a novel worker-firmdataset – leveraging millions of online profiles – to identify impacts and mechanisms. In theory, migration can boostfirms’ productivity through improving human capital, facilitating task specialisation or via diverse teams’ role in ideas generation. Urban location may amplify these effects. A growing body of evidence finds support for these mechanisms, and overall migration-productivity effects,
although effect sizes vary considerably across countries, industries and workflows. Two major challenges here are the lack of employer-employee datasets in many countries, and limitations in coverage / dimensionality in those that do exist. Data from online platforms and the web may help meet these challenges. We link over 3m individual education/ career histories from the Diffbot knowledge graph to the UK company register, alongside financial data from Orbis Historical, 2007-2024. In extensions we explore relative contributions of seniority, migrant human capital, task specialisation and migrant diversity.


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Venice School of Management


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