
15 Mag 2025 12:30

Regenerative Transformations in Peripheral Agricultural Regions Facing Climate Change

San Giobbe - Aula Saraceno

Questo evento fa parte delle VSM Lectures, una serie di seminari tenuti da accademici illustri, provenienti da prestigiose università e istituzioni internazionali. I relatori e le relatrici presentano i loro recenti studi, condividono i principali risultati e approfondiscono l'impatto loro lavoro di ricerche che la società e le imprese stanno affrontando.

*titolo lecture*

A cura di Cristina Chaminade, INGENIO (CSIC_UPV), Spanish National Research Council

L'evento sarà disponibile anche online via Gmeet 


This presentation examines the potential for regenerative transformations in peripheral agricultural regions as
a response to climate change and biodiversity loss. It focuses on how innovation systems and networks can
address the challenges of path dependency, institutional inertia, and socio-ecological vulnerability in these regions.
Drawing on case studies such as Hojancha, Costa Rica, the presentation illustrates how radical changes in agricultural practices and land use—enabled by institutional, social, and technological innovations—can
lead to sustainable livelihoods, ecosystem restoration, and enhanced resilience to climate impacts. Special attention is given to the role of entrepreneurial and place- based agency, participatory methodologies, local agency, and transdisciplinary approaches in driving and scaling regenerative innovations.


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Venice School of Management


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