
01 Giu 2023 12:00

Prof. Maria Izilda Santos De Matos


Maria Izilda Santos de Matos
1-Please provide a brief outline of your training and scientific activity.
I am a historian, with a doctorate (1991), Habilitation (2016) and Post-doctorate (1997). I am a Full Professor at PUC/SP (Pontifical Catholic University of SP) and 1 A researcher at CNPq. I have been a lecturer and visitor at American and European universities. I have experience in the area of History of immigration, Sensibilities, Women's and Gender, History of the body and Smile. My current research is entitled “Chains of feelings, affections and emotions: correspondence from e/immigrants perpetuating transnational ties (São Paulo, 1890-1950)”. I highlight in my bibliographic production, the books: Samba! societá, musica e sentimenti. Eunoedizioni, 2011. Corpos e emoções: história, gênero e sensibilidades. 2018. Por uma possível História do Sorriso, 2018. Cotidiano e Cultura: história, cidade e trabalho, 2019. Italianos no Brasil. 2020.
2. Please state your reasons for choosing Venice and the Department for your research and teaching stay.
Among the reasons for choosing Ca' Foscari University is its recognized excellence. I consider the possibility of contributing as a visiting professor an opportunity for academic interaction and exchange of experiences, in addition to opportunities for dialogue and academic exchange, implementing research activities and contributing to the creation of transnational research networks.
3. Have you ever had a research collaboration with the teaching staff of Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies in the past?
Research activities collaboration with Prof. Dr Luiz Fernando Beneduzi and other colleagues from the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies. On several occasions I had the pleasure of participating in events, academic activities and implementing dialogue with colleagues from Ca´Foscari University; including Board member of the Ca' Foscari career competition, 2020.



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