
15 Gen 2020 14:00

Valentin Vulchanov


Valentin Vulchanov svolgerà attività di ricerca in collaborazione con docenti, studenti, ricercatori e professori ospiti del BemboLab nella implementazione di disegni sperimentali per lo studio dell’acquisizione del linguaggio in bambini e giovani adulti monolingui e bilingui con sviluppo tipico e atipico. Sarà anche attivo nella direzione scientifica e nell’organizzazione del convegno Behavioural Measures of Language Acquisition and language processing in typical and atypical populations che si terrà presso il DSLCC il 20-21 maggio, 2020, cofinanziato dal DSLCC e dal Language Acquisition and Language Processing Lab at NTNU e coorganizzato con il  Venice Accessibility Lab e il Bembo Lab di Ca’ Foscari.

periodo: II semestre

Università di provenienza;Norwegian University of Science and Technology

1. Please provide a brief outline of your training and scientific activity.
Valentin Vulchanov is Senior Researcher at the Department of Language & Literature and one of the founders of the Language Acquisition and Language Processing Lab, Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Trondheim. His expertise spans language and cognition, language in developmental deficits, and language diachrony, the syntax of nominal expressions. He has been PI in a number of large-scale EU and National Norwegian and international research projects, such as Horizon2020 MSCA ITN e-LADDA (2019-2023), MSCA ITN DCOMM (2016-2020), 7th FP MSCA ITN LanPercept (2013-2017), Erasmus+ "Development of Online Learning Environment for e-Health" DOOLEE (2018-2021), among others.
2. Please state your reasons for choosing Venice and the Department for your research and teaching stay.
Valentin Vulchanov will collaborate with the BemboLab staff, students and visitors in the implementation of experimental designs for the study of monolingual and bilingual children and young adults with typical and atypical language development. He will actively meet with students and staff for current and future joint projects. He will also be in the Scientific Board and among the organizers of the conference Behavioural Measures of Language Acquisition and language processing in typical and atypical populations to be held in Venice on May 20-21, 2020, which is a joint effort of the Language Acquisition and Language Processing Lab at NTNU and the Venice Accessibility Lab and the Bembo Lab of Ca’ Foscari.

3. Have you ever had a research collaboration with the teaching staff of Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies in the past?
My collaboration with the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies dates back to the 90-ies and is reflected in seminal work on the diachrony of nominal expressions in Old Bulgarian/Early Slavic together with Prof. Giuliana Giusti and Prof. Mila Vulchanova. This collaboration continues to the present with we work on joint projects on the experimental study of language.



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