
15 Giu 2019 17:00

Réach-Ngô Anne


"Littérature de la première Modernité et technologies numériques" (2019/2020, 2° semestre, CdS LLEAP)
Anne Réach-Ngô (Université de Haute-Alsace, Institut universitaire de France)
1.    Please state your reasons for choosing Venice and the Department for your research and teaching stay.

The project Joyeuses Inventions brings together scholars specializing in the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries who are interested in publishing poetic and epistolary texts through digital technologies. This project has given rise to a close collaboration with Magda Campanini, from Ca' Foscari University, specialist of French Early Modern epistolary forms. The proposed teaching and research stay will enable us to develop a new pedagogical prototype for the digital publication of Ca'Foscari University Master students’ dissertations on the EMAN platform. This will be done in conjunction with the seminar "Génétique éditoriale de la Première Modernité” taking place in Paris. This will serve as assessment of the platform's ability to support multilingual teaching in the field of Digital Humanities.

2.    Have you ever had a research collaboration with the teaching staff of the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies in the past?

A study seminar of the Joyeuses Inventions Project was held in July 2018 at Ca'Foscari University. It led to a first round table discussion, with colleagues from the University's Department of Letters: Table ronde « Éditions critiques numériques entre Moyen Âge et Première Modernité » (Venise, 11 juillet 2018). Discussions continued in Paris, during the seminar "Génétique éditoriale de la Première Modernité", with Marina Buzzoni, who presented the Digital Marco Polo Project (15 janvier 2019). Other collaborative projects, particularly with the EVT team in Italy, could be considered.

3.    What are your expectations regarding our University in general and our Department in particular?

The teaching project "Literature of the early modernity and digital technologies" will benefit greatly from being experimented in Italy, where the philological tradition is particularly developed. The link between the library and digital edition can be particularly highlighted through the exploration of the Marciana Library's collections, which will serve as a starting point for the practical work of the seminar. The experience of colleagues of the Department of Letters at Ca'Foscari University will help to develop closer relations around the issue of the mediation of content and knowledge in an European perspective.




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