
25 Mar 2022 09:30

Dervishes along the Silk Roads between Past and Present

Auditorium Santa Margherita, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia Dorsoduro 3689 - 30123 Venezia - Piano terra

Organised by Thomas Dähnhardt (DSAAM), Giovanni De Zorzi (DFBC), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Thomas Dähnhardt (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Giovanni De Zorzi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Jean During (CNRS, Paris), Jürgen Wasim Frembgen (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München), Demetrio Giordani (Università di Modena Reggio Emilia), Alexandre Papas (CNRS, Paris), Stefano Pellò (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Thierry Zarcone (CNRS, Paris)

CONCERT of Sufi and Qalandari Music
Leyli Atashkar long necked lutes setâr and tanburag; Jean During, frame drum daf, fiddle sorud 

Please check the programme and poster attached.

Organised with the collaboration of Orient Experience


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Department of Asian and North African Studies and Asia Institute (Thomas Dähnhardt); Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage (Giovanni De Zorzi); MaP - Marco Polo Centre for Global Europe-Asia Connections; with the collaboration of Orient Experience


Poster 804 KB
Programme 946 KB

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