
20 Mar 2019 17:30

"Fashion in Multiple Chinas"

Sala A, Palazzo Vendramin dei Carmini, Dorsoduro 3462 - Venezia

Presentation of the book
Fashion in Multiple Chinas, Eds. Wessie Ling and Simona Segre Reinach, 2018

Wessie Ling and Simona Segre Reinach
discuss with
Marco Ceresa, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Alessandra Vaccari, IUAV University of Venice
Antonella Ceccagno, University of Bologna
Renzo Cavalieri, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Access allowed to a maximum of 42 people


L'evento si terrà in Italiano


Department of Asian and North African Studies (Renzo Cavalieri)


Manifesto 1261 KB

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