
25 Mag 2022 12:15

Giulia Romani - Knowledge Economy, Internal Migration and the Effect on Local Labour Markets

Meeting room 1 - Campus Economico San Giobbe + Live streaming Zoom

Human-capital intensive activities tend to concentrate in space and may generate significant multiplicative effects at the local level. This paper assesses how the relative growth of knowledge-intensive jobs and the inflow of workers in knowledge sectors affect wage, employment, and probability of outmigration of local workers in other sectors. We focus on Italy during the 2005-2019 period, taking advantage of matched employer-employee administrative data covering the universe of social-security-paying workers. To address identification concerns, we implement a two-step procedure combined with an IV strategy. We find evidence that the growth in knowledge-intensive jobs and related migrations have multiplicative effects on local employment, and they reduce the probability of outmigration.

The seminar can be attended also remotely, connecting to ZOOM:
ID riunione: 893 4807 3192


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Department of Economics (Inseminars)


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