
31 Mar 2025 14:30

Lab DEA / Ofer Gazit - Jazz Migrations: Movement as Place among New York Musicians

Aula Geymonat, Palazzo Malcanton Marcorà, primo piano

Ofer Gazit (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
terrà una conferenza su:

Jazz Migrations: Movement as Place among New York Musicians

Since the 1990s, migrant musicians have become increasingly prominent in New York City’s jazz scene. Challenging norms about who can be a jazz musician and what immigrant music should sound like, these musicians create a mobile and diverse notion of jazz, while inadvertently contributing to processes of gentrification and institutionalization. Jazz Migrations assesses the impact of contemporary transnational migration on New York jazz, examining its effects on educational institutions, club scenes, and jam sessions. It urges the reader to reconsider the meaning of genre boundaries, senses of belonging, and ethnic identity in American music.

Nota biografica
Ofer Gazit is an associate professor of ethnomusicology at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage of Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy. Gazit teaches and writes about issues of migration, borders, and mobility in the US and the Caribbean from a musical perspective, contributing to publications in sound and media studies, ethnomusicology, and jazz studies. He currently leads the European Research Council project I-STREAM: Climate –Related Disasters and the Rhythms of Caribbean Music. His book, Jazz Migrations: Movement as Place Among New York Musicians was recently published by Oxford University Press.

Partecipazione libera - Seminario valido per il tirocinio DEA/ACEL. Coordinatrice: Franca Tamisari:


Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (Franca Tamisari); CentroAGeS; LAB DEA


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