
31 Mar 2025 12:15

Marie Claire Villeval (CNRS - University of Lyon)

Meeting Room 1, San Giobbe Economics Campus

Marie Claire Villeval (CNRS - University of Lyon) - Narratives as a Persuasion Tool in Performance Appraisals


We investigated whether individuals use narratives about the role of luck to influence decision-makers’ interpretation of noisy performance signals in a tournament setting. In an experiment, pairs of workers were either rewarded for accurately estimating their relative performance (Control treatment), persuading a manager they outperformed their competitor (Strategic treatment), or both (Trade-Off treatment). Results show that workers were most likely to adopt self-serving narratives attributing signals of lower performance to bad luck in the Strategic treatment. This tendency was reduced in the Trade-Off treatment where accuracy incentives were introduced. While self-serving narratives influenced managers’ decisions regarding the allocation of the winner’s prize, they did not change workers’ beliefs, suggesting that the narratives did not deceive them.


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Department of Economics (EcSeminars)

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