
10 Lug 2024 17:00

Making the Renaissance public: digital approaches to urban history

Cultural Flow Zone - CFZ in presence and online

Prof. Fabrizio Nevola is Professor of Art History and Visual Culture at the University of Exeter. He specialises on the urban and architectural history of Early Modern cities, while recent work has involved significant elements of digital humanities approaches. Hidden Cities considers the public spaces of Early Modern Europe and includes five city apps and a website, extending the original Hidden Florence model. Florence4D, funded by the Getty Foundation, focuses on the integration of 3D modelling and mapping of urban environments, with an underlying database; the related Hidden Florence 3D app was recently awarded a UK industry award for best use of AR/3D in an app. He is the author of the prizewinning Siena: Constructing the Renaissance City (Yale University Press, 2007) and most recently of Street Life in Renaissance Italy (Yale University Press, 2020)

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