
23 Apr 2020 15:00

No-Level-Brick Seminar for Japanese Language Education 2020

Online seminar

"No-Level-Brick Seminar for Japanese Language Education 2020" consists of a series of face-to-face meetings and online discussions for those interested in Japanese language education and foreign language education. Its focus is on critical and transformative pedagogy for actualizing active and socially responsible learning. The meetings and discussions draw on seminal, up-to-date and relevant literature in the field of applied linguistics, sociology and education to comprehend the current state of the language education and envision further pedagogical development for quality teaching and learning at the school and the university.

Prof. Marcella Mariotti (specialised in critical and transformative pedagogy and action research) and Dr Takuya Kojima (specialised in a social approach to foreign language pedagogy, learning environmental design, qualitative research methods) convene the seminar in Japanese, English, and Italian. However, all participants are expected to take part in the organization of the meetings and discussions actively. The seminar welcomes not only research-active academics and students writing a BA, MA or PhD thesis but also teaching-active academics and students not yet writing a thesis. The weekly meetings include—reporting and discussing on the latest literature, guest speakers' presentations, presentations about the topic of each member’s specialization, thesis research proposal presentations, and commenting on each other’s academic writings, conference presentation rehearsals as such. A few special events and occasional social gatherings are also planned.

Prof. Marcella MARIOTTI, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Dr. Takuya KOJIMA, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice 

Meeting calendar: 
Every Thursday from February 13th to June 25th 2020 from 15:00 to 16:30 

The meetings will be held online in Japanese, English and Italian.  



L'evento si terrà in italiano


Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea (Marcella Mariotti), NoLBrick - No-Level Brick Language Education, @ltana - Linguistics and language Teaching Asia and North Africa


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