
28 Mag 2021 10:00

Antisemitismo e teorie del complotto: approcci storici alle esperienze moderne e contemporanee

Iniziativa online

Following numerous events in the field of Digital History, including an international conference held at Ca' Foscari in 2018, a final historical symposium of the H2020 European Project ODYCCEUS (Opinion Dynamics and Cultural Conflicts in the European Spaces will be held on Friday 28 May 2021. The concluding speakers, who will feature in a keynote dialogue, are two world authorities in the historiography on Antisemitism: David Niremberg (Chicago), author of the recent book Antigiudaismo (it. transl. 2018) and Miri Rubin (Queen Mary London), who is the author of influential studies on the blood libel, especially Gentile Tales. The Narrative Assault on Medieval Jews (1999).

The Morning Session will be held at the following Zoom link: ID riunione: 874 7144 9633 (Passcode: P11G0C)

The Keynote Dialogue will be held at the following Zoom link: ID riunione: 861 3083 6285 (Passcode: 89X7Bi)


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici


Locandina - Leaflet 518 KB

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