Italian for exchange students


The School for International Education offers Italian language courses that are specifically designed for exchange students spending a study period at Ca' Foscari University. Each course awards a total of 6 CFU/ECTS that students can add to their Learning Agreement.

Eligible students

  • Erasmus+, Overseas and other interuniversity exchange students
  • Double and Joint Degree students


Registration for these courses is mandatory (see instructions below). Students cannot attend classes or take exams if they are not officially enrolled in the course.
N.B. Each course requires a minimum number of students in order to be activated. 

II semester 

Each course attributes a total of 6 CFU/ECTS and is made up of two modules:

  1. General Language module (30 hours): sociolinguistic, structural, cultural and historical aspects of the Italian language, in line with the language level of the course
  2. Language Practice module (50 hours): grammar and language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing)

During course registration, all students need to take a placement test and will be assigned to a linguistic level according to their results.

Course list

For the second semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, the following courses have been activated

General Language modules

For students with no prior experience with the Italian language, especially for those who come from a non-European/Romance linguistic background. The course will cover elements of Italian culture and language communication, with a particular focus on vocabulary, and will strengthen some basic grammatical notions that are taught in the language practice classes. The course will be taught mostly in English.

For students who have some previous knowledge or understanding of the Italian language, and/or who have a good command of another Romance language. Compared to "[SIE070-A] Introduction to the Italian language A", the course will focus on developing more complex grammatical aspects which can be found in everyday conversations and short texts, and will draw attention to Italian language for academic purposes used in the classroom. The course will be taught in Italian where possible, supported by English where necessary.

For students with a knowledge and understanding of the Italian language at an elementary level (A2 is required). Along with grammatical issues, the course will focus on theoretical aspects concerning register variation and the history of the Italian language, and will develop students' metalinguistic awareness through the examination of current topics of relevance, as well as examples taken from a range of different texts. The course will be taught in Italian.

For students with an intermediate knowledge and understanding of the Italian language (B1 is required). Along with grammatical issues, the course will give a general outline of the crucial moments in the history of the Italian language, and will examine contemporary Italian language and linguistic variability. Increasing attention will be drawn on the structures of academic and specialized texts, written in a formal register. The course will be taught in Italian. 

Language Practice modules

  • Level A1 - Group 1
  • Level A1 - Group 2
  • Level A1 - Group 3
  • Level A2
  • Level B1
  • Level B2


To apply for these courses, international exchange students need to fill out the online Application Form that they have received by e-mail from the office that manages their mobility programme (Incoming Mobility or Joint/Double Degree). All students, including those who have no prior knowledge of the Italian language, must take the online Placement Test to complete their application (see below). 

  • Application Form deadline: January 15, 2024 
  • Placement Test deadline: January 22, 2024. Students who have already passed an Italian language course at the School for International Education are not required to take the Placement Test, but they must indicate this on the Application Form. 
  • N.B. Applications Forms and Placement Tests submitted after the deadline will not be accepted. 
  • Registration will be limited to a maximum number of students per class. Priority will be given in order of having filled out this form. Applicants not added to the class will be placed on a waitlist, and will be added to the course if a place becomes available. 

In early February, students will be informed via email by the SIE ( whether the courses they have applied for have been activated and their registration can be confirmed. Once course activation is confirmed, all registered students will automatically receive all necessary information about the course before classes start. 

International exchange students are not officially enrolled in a course if it is not in their Learning Agreement! Therefore, within the first two weeks of classes, you must contact the office that manages your mobility programme ( or in order to add the course to your Learning Agreement, if not already present. 

Placement Test

To take the Placement Test please visit the SIE Moodle platform. Log in with your Ca' Foscari enrolment number (matricola) and password, and enter the enrolment key (chiave di iscrizione) which you received via email and on the Application Form.

The test is progressive from level A1 to level C2, and it tells you your compatibility with each level of Italian language you are testing for. If you get over 70% in A1, you will then proceed to test for your compatibility with an A2 class; but if you do not get over 60% at the A2 level, you should actually be placed in an A1 class.

N.B. You must continue on with each level until you can no longer go ahead! 

For further information see the Guide below.


The courses will run from February 19th until - approximately - the end of April, with exams taking place following the end of the course. Italian language classes will be held over 8 weeks, whereas Language Practice will take place 5 hours a week for 10 weeks.

N.B. Cancelled lessons may either be rescheduled on Saturdays or moved to the following weeks, thus the final date of each course cannot be confirmed in advance.


Attendance for the Italian language courses for exchange students at SIE is mandatory: students must attend at least 80% of classes for each module. They can therefore be absent for a maximum of 3 lessons of the General Language module, and for a maximum of 4 lessons of the Language Practice module. Students who not attend at least 80% of classes will not be admitted to the final exams


Exams will take place approximately from May 6th and no later than May 24th, 2024.
N.B. There is only one exam session. It is not possible to repeat the exam at a later date.

In order to be admitted to the final exams, students must be officially enrolled in the course and meet the attendance requirements (see above). 

I semester 

Each course attributes a total of 6 CFU/ECTS and is made up of two modules:

  1. General Language module (30 hours): sociolinguistic, structural, cultural and historical aspects of the Italian language, in line with the language level of the course
  2. Language Practice module (50 hours): grammar and language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing)

During course registration, all students need to take a placement test and will be assigned to a linguistic level according to their results.

Course list

For the first semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, the following courses have been activated

General Language modules

For students with no prior experience with the Italian language, especially for those who come from a non-European/Romance linguistic background. The course will cover elements of Italian culture and language communication, with a particular focus on vocabulary, and will strengthen some basic grammatical notions that are taught in the language practice classes. The course will be taught mostly in English.

For students who have some previous knowledge or understanding of the Italian language, and/or who have a good command of another Romance language. Compared to "[SIE070-A] Introduction to the Italian language A", the course will focus on developing more complex grammatical aspects which can be found in everyday conversations and short texts, and will draw attention to Italian language for academic purposes used in the classroom. The course will be taught in Italian where possible, supported by English where necessary.

For students with a knowledge and understanding of the Italian language at an elementary level (A2 is required). Along with grammatical issues, the course will focus on theoretical aspects concerning register variation and the history of the Italian language, and will develop students' metalinguistic awareness through the examination of current topics of relevance, as well as examples taken from a range of different texts. The course will be taught in Italian.

For students with an intermediate knowledge and understanding of the Italian language (B1 is required). Along with grammatical issues, the course will give a general outline of the crucial moments in the history of the Italian language, and will examine contemporary Italian language and linguistic variability. Increasing attention will be drawn on the structures of academic and specialized texts, written in a formal register. The course will be taught in Italian.

Language Practice modules

  • Level A1 - Group 1
  • Level A1 - Group 2
  • Level A1 - Group 3
  • Level A2
  • Level B1


Applications for the first semester of the 2023/2024 a.y. are closed.


The courses will run from September 25th, 2023. General Language classes will be held over 8 weeks, whereas Language Practice will take place for 10 weeks. 

N.B. Cancelled lessons may either be rescheduled on Saturdays or moved to the following weeks, thus the final date of each course cannot be confirmed in advance.


Attendance for the Italian language courses for exchange students at SIE is mandatory: students must attend at least 80% of classes for each module. They can therefore be absent for a maximum of 3 lessons of the General Language module, and for a maximum of 4 lessons of the Language Practice module. Students who not attend at least 80% of classes will not be admitted to the final exams


Exams will take place approximately from December 4th and no later than December 20th, 2023.
N.B. There is only one exam session. It is not possible to repeat the exam at a later date.

In order to be admitted to the final exams, students must be officially enrolled in the course and meet the attendance requirements (see above). 

Other opportunities 
To study Italian language at the SIE

Students can also register for standard Italian language classes which are organised three times a year and offer a special discount for Exchange students. Please note these courses do not provide credits (CFU/ECTS).

Last update: 21/05/2024