PhD in Sustainable Chemistry

PhD in
Sustainable Chemistry

Calls for applications

The PhD in Sustainable Chemistry is a new programme starting from the academic year 2023/2024.

Cycle 41 (a.y. 2025/26)

The Call for application for a.y. 2025/26 (cycle 41) will be published Thursday, 27th March 2025.

PhD overview

In partnership with:

Educational aims

The primary goal of the PhD in Sustainable Chemistry is to provide advanced training in chemistry, fostering the integration of sustainability concepts and practices into solutions to current technical, social, environmental and scientific problems, shaping the next generation of leaders in sustainable chemistry who will add value to the scientific knowledge generated in Italy.
In addition to fostering cutting-edge science, the PhD in Sustainable Chemistry, promotes the integral education of the student by creating opportunities for the development of soft skills in leadership, innovation and ethical practices concerning science and its application for the benefit of society.

The PhD in Sustainable Chemistry, ensures that candidates:

  • have the ability to develop a systematic understanding of new situations, and broader, multidisciplinary contexts, in the various fields of Sustainable Chemistry;
  • acquire skills that enable the integration of basic knowledge and state-of-the-art technology;
  • be able to conceive, design, and develop research in Sustainable Chemistry, choosing methods that allow solving complex problems, in novel situations or in contexts that require the use of multidisciplinary knowledge;
  • produce original and competitive research, meeting international requirements and standards, the results of which are published, or submitted for publication, at least in part, to recognized independently reviewed journals;
  • are able to critically analyze the results obtained, evaluate and synthesize new complex situations, provide solutions and make decisions in situations of limited or incomplete information, evaluating their appropriateness;
  • be able to communicate knowledge of Sustainable Chemistry, and the rationale behind the conclusions, to specialists and non-specialists alike, clearly and unambiguously;
  • utilize knowledge or research results, are able to provide examples of the link between knowledge and technology, and rationalize the relevance of both to social, cultural and technological progress.

The PhD in Sustainable Chemistry, will be awarded to students who also demonstrate:

  • systematic understanding of a knowledge area or specialty of Sustainable Chemistry, and related research skills and methods;
  • ability to conceive, design, adapt and execute research of the highest quality and academic integrity;
  • having performed significant original research, contributing to expanding the frontiers of knowledge and creating value, and meriting international visibility in peer-reviewed publications;
  • ability to critically analyze, evaluate, and synthesize complex new ideas;
  • ability to communicate to colleagues, the broader scientific community and society at large about the field of work;
  • ability to promote in an academic or professional context and in the knowledge society technological, social and cultural progress

Why this PhD programme?

The PhD programme in Sustainable Chemistry is a higher education initiative starting from September 2023 at the Department of Molecular Science and Nanosystems (DSMN) that aims at going beyond traditional Chemistry PhD courses by specifically tackling sustainable research strategies in the design and development of new chemical processes, products and materials.
The overall objective of the PhD program is to shape young talents to play a pivotal role in the ideation, design and development of innovative solutions for a sustainable society.
The Sustainable Chemistry PhD program consists in a highly innovative multidisciplinary approach fostering the integration of sustainable processes into the various areas of chemistry thus providing solutions to present and medium-term requests of the Chemical Industry, and societal needs.

The programme is taught entirely in English. 
Students need to have an English language proficiency of at least B2 level.
The Students will have the opportunity to develop their own research projects in the scientific structures of Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems DSMN.

Laboratories at DSMN are provided with chemical hoods to conduct synthesis of organic and inorganic materials and modern analytical equipment. Departmental laboratories are also available for the use of advanced analytical instruments such as transmission and scanning electron microscopes (TEM and SEM), multinuclear NMR spectrometers, atomic force microscopes, electrochemical apparatuses (potentiostats, impedance analyser, scanning electrochemical microscope), Gas-chromatographs GC/MS, HPLC, Dynamic and Electrophoretic Light Scattering (DLS and ELS), EDX microanalysis system, X-ray diffractometer, Radio frequency magnetron sputtering UV-VIS and IR-Raman spectrophotometry
The scientific area library (BAS) and Ca' Foscari Digital Library permit the access to the network of the most widely used databases and scientific journals.

Research themes

  • sensing
  • development of sustainable processes and renewable materials
  • sustainable organic syntheses
  • water purification
  • carbon capture and storage
  • development of catalytic, photocatalytic and biocatalytic systems
  • energy conversion and storage
  • waste recycling and valorization

Professional profiles

There are so many areas indispensable to well-being-such as developing drugs, reducing air pollution, mitigating plastic problems-where sustainable chemistry plays and will play a vital role, prolonging and improving lives.
The spectrum of occupational outlets for a PhD in chemistry is broad.
First, the profession most consonant with skills and training is that of a researcher in public and private facilities where figures are required who can independently manage research projects involving the development or adaptation of processes to environmentally sustainable standards.
Experts and scientists with a broad knowledge of sustainable chemistry are urgently needed in various branches of the chemical and related industries in which they will go on to positions as researcher, research & development manager, quality control, project manager or laboratory manager.
The PhD in chemistry will also be able to hold scientific-managerial positions in other activities. Possible career options may include: design of organic syntheses for future technological solutions and analysis of synthetic products in industries such as pharmaceuticals, organic materials and the polymer industry; design of materials synthesis procedures and analysis of synthesis products.



