
20 Apr 2017 10:00

Journalism in the World: More or Less Free - or both?

San Sebastiano, Aula 24

Speaker: John Lloyd, Financial Times

John Lloyd is a contributing editor to the Financial Times, to which he contributes features, analysis, book reviews. For the Financial Times, he has been Labour Editor, Industrial Editor, East European Editor and Moscow Bureau Chief. In 2003, he was the founding Editor of the Financial Times Weekend Magazine.
His other posts in journalism include spells as editor of Time Out; editor of the New Statesman; reporter for Independent Radio News; reporter for London Weekend’s London Programme and producer on London Weekend's Weekend World. His first job in journalism was as a copy boy on the Scottish Daily Mail: his first reporting experience was a year as a freelance reporter in Belfast in the early seventies.
He writes a weekly column for regularly for La Repubblica of Rome.
He has written many pamphlets and essays and several books, including "Loss without Limit: the British Miners' Strike" (with Martin Adeney); "The Future of Work" (with Charles Leadbeater) "Birth of a Nation: an Anatomy of Russia"; and "What the Media are doing to our Politics".
He is a supernumerary fellow of St Anne's College and an associate member of Nuffield College, both Oxford. He is chairman of the advisory committee of the Moscow School of Political Studies.
His awards for journalism include the Biagio Agnes prize for international reporting in 2013, the British Press Award for Specialist Reporter of the Year, the Granada Award for Journalist of the Year and the David Watt Prize for outstanding journalism. He is married, has one son and lives in London.

The lecture is open and held in English


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Collegio Internazionale Ca' Foscari


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