
22 Giu 2022 16:30

Catarina Midões - Household electricity consumption sensitivity to temperature

Meeting room 1 - Campus Economico San Giobbe + Live streaming Zoom

Catarina Midões - Household electricity consumption sensitivity to temperature in the face of policy-dictated enduring price changes and climate change

Abstract: The temperature-response function of household electricity consumption is not stationary. We estimate how, in the face of extreme price changes perceived as enduring, households reduce their consumption: at what temperature intervals is elasticity higher. We consider Ukraine, a country with both extremely high and extremely low temperatures. There have been successive price increases over the last decades, whose exact timing was not foreseen, and which were perceived as enduring and non-reversible. This example is analogous to forthcoming price increases from carbon taxing. Knowing how households adapt their electricity consumption when facing both climate change and price increases is fundamental to predict and minimize welfare decreases, namely in terms of health damages.

The seminar can be attended also remotely, connecting to ZOOM:
ID riunione: 824 3747 7031


Department of Economics (InSeminars)


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