
25 Mag 2018 13:00

Vulnerability Analysis of Android Auto Infotainment Apps

Campus Scientifico via Torino - edificio ZETA, Sala Riunioni B

Amit Mandal, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

With over 2 billion active mobile users and a large array of features, Android is the most popular operating system for mobile devices. Android Auto allows such devices to connect with an in-car compatible infotainment system, and it became a popular choice as well. However, as the trend for connecting car dashboard to the Internet or other devices grows, so does the potential for security threats. In this paper, a set of potential security threats are identified, and a static analyzer for the Android Auto infotainment system is presented. All the infotainment apps available in Google Play Store have been checked against that list of possible exposure scenarios. Results show that almost 80% of the apps are potentially vulnerable, out of which 25% poses security threats related to execution of JavaScript.
[paper just presented at ACM Computing Frontiers 2018]


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