
17 Mag 2018 11:00

Synthesis and Surface Covalent Grafting of Tripod-Shaped p-phenylenes

Aula Delta 0A, Campus Scientifico - via Torino 155 Venezia Mestre

il Prof. Juan Manuel López-Romero del Dipartimento Química Orgánica, Universidad de Málaga - Spain
sarà ospite del prof. Alvise Benedetti nell'ambito di una collaborazione scientifica e terrà il 17 maggio 2018 alle ore 11:00 una conferenza dal titolo

"Synthesis and Surface Covalent Grafting of Tripod-Shaped p-phenylenes"

Controlling the orientation, spacing and biocompatibility of functional moieties in organic thin films is a great challenge for the study of biomolecular interactions at interfaces or the design of biosensor devices. For this purpose, several chemical functionalization methods and adsorbates have been developed in order to obtain nanostructured thin films. Here I will present the results obtained in our research group at the University of Málaga regarding the functionalization of silicon and gold surfaces with tripod-shaped organic molecules.


L'evento si terrà in italiano


prof. A. Benedetti - Dottorato in chimica


locandina e abstract 552 KB

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