
18 Apr 2018 10:30

Black and White Dichotomies in Shakespeare’s Othello and Its Musical Adaptations

Sala Media, Palazzo Cosulich - Dorsoduro 1405, Fondamenta Zattere, 30123 Venezia

relatrice: Alina Bottez - University of Bucharest

La conferenza è rivolta a tutti gli studenti interessati, sia delle lauree triennali che magistrali, e si svolgerà in lingua inglese.

Alina Bottez has BA and MA degrees from the University of Bucharest (English and French) and the National University of Music in Bucharest (Singing) and was granted the Summa cum laude distinction for an interdisciplinary doctorate on Shakespeare’s adaptations into opera. She is a Senior Lecturer with the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures (University of Bucharest) and is also following a performing career in Romania and abroad. She has published extensively and has given lectures on Shakespeare and opera at Koç University (Istanbul) and Universitat Autònoma (Barcelona). She has presented papers on related topics at conferences at Mansfield College (Oxford), University of London, the ESRA Congress (Gdansk), and others. Her book A Confluence between Masterpieces​: Operas ​Inspired by​ Shakespeare’s Plays is forthcoming.​



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Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati - Flavio Gregori


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