
12 Mar 2018 15:45

Past fire regimes in the central European lowlands from multiple sedimentary fire proxies

Aula Delta 2B - Campus Scientifico

Speaker: Dr. Elisabeth Dietze, GFZ Potsdam (Germania)

Although the central European lowlands are a landscape of low modern flammability, future projections suggest much drier conditions that could also increase fire risk. Here, we assess the role of humans and land cover change in determining fire regimes during the last 250 years and the Holocene by using multiple fire proxies in high-resolution at a northern Polish lake and microcharcoal data from northern Germany towards the Baltic countries, respectively.

Bio Sketch
PhD in Geography
Scientific assistant / PostDoc at GFZ Potsdam (ICLEA project)
2012: Scientific assistant at the Chair of Physical Geography/Regional Geography of Central Europe, Technical University Dresden (teaching geomorphology)
2008-2012: PhD-student and scientific assistant at Institute of Geographical Sciences, Free University of Berlin (TiP project)
2007-2008: Scientific assistant at the Chair of Landscape Ecology, Technical University Dresden (teaching landscape ecology)
2007: Scientific assistant at the Laboratory for Radio- and Environmental Chemistry, Paul-Scherrer-Institute, Villigen and University of Bern, Switzerland (analytical chemistry group)
2006: Internship at CICESE, Ensenada, BC Mexico (Ciencias del mar y de la tierra)
2002-2006: Student Research Assistant in Geography Department, Technical University Dresden (different projects)


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Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica

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