
02 Mar 2018 09:00

Interactions in complex economic systems: innovation, contagion and crises

Aula Volpato, Dipartimento di Management, San Giobbe

The study of complex economic systems (such as social networks or groups of firms linked by business ties) necessitates probabilistic and statistical tools to develop effective quantitative analyses and propose suitable policies and solutions. The scope of the conference is to discuss and investigate on breakthrough methodologies in the context of interacting systems to foster applicative studies in management and finance.

The conference is the closing event of the research project (Progetto di Ateneo) "Interactions in complex economic systems: innovation, contagion and crises", funded by Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the Department of Management.

A session will be dedicated to the Venice - Klagenfurt Workshop 2018


L'evento si terrà in italiano


Dipartimento di Management

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