Short-term research fellowships

Open calls for applications and relevant modules for research fellowships candidates  can be found on this page.

To find test calendars where applicable, evaluation results and more useful information, please follow the page expired calls.

Structure Title Details
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage Analisi delle previsioni occupazionali e delle competenze di digitalizzazione, realtà aumentata e intelligenza artificiale nel settore dell’impiantistica e della meccanica, in funzione del ricambio generazionale e della necessaria sensibilizzazione di imprese e della società civile alla transazione digitale in corso
Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics Behavioural laboratory test: experimental procedure and data analysis
Venice School of Management CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR NO. 1 RESEARCH GRANT FOR FELLOWSHIP VISITING - Project code 2120-0021-553-2023 Title “Un Osservatorio Regionale sulla cultura e la creatività come fattori di sviluppo e competitività territoriale” - CUP H77G23000130002 – DGR no. 553/2023 – coordinator prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics Analysis of samples of shallow water fish fauna with the aim of assessing the ecological status of the transitional surface water bodies of the Po River basin through the application of the Habitat Fish Biological Index
Department of Humanities Populating Historical Maps of Ancient Sicily
Department of Economics PNRR Project “GRINS - Spoke 4 - The implied risk premium in green and sustainability-PE00000018, CUP H73C22000930001linked bonds -
CESA Analysis and modelling of knowledge transfer through iNest Spoke 6 cascade funding
CESA Art-Based Citizen Engagement for Cultural Welfare and Health