Short-term research fellowships

Open calls for applications and relevant modules for research fellowships candidates  can be found on this page.

To find test calendars where applicable, evaluation results and more useful information, please follow the page expired calls.

Structure Title Details
Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems “Understanding and controlling magnetic inertia"
Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics Local knowledge of the plants which are to be found in the Venice Lagoon and the Bay Lagoon in the Philippines by fishermen: comparative activity
Department of Management Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled "Analisi degli interventi relativi al trasferimento dell’innovazione e della conoscenza (AKIS) nella Regione Veneto finanziati dal PSR", lasting 8 months. Project “Analisi e studio per l’implementazione di un modello di finanziamento a costi semplificati delle spese ammissibili per la realizzazione degli interventi relativi all’AKIS previsti dal CSR per il Veneto 2023-2027”-DGR 189/2024-CUP H73C24000180002-Tutor Prof. Mauracher
Department of Humanities Linguistic study of the theories of purism in Atticist lexica