Promoting Innovation and Knowledge (PInK)

Giving value to ideas, from research to business

PInK - Promoting Innovation and Knowledge is Ca’ Foscari University’s portal dedicated to technology and knowledge transfer between University research and businesses, institutions and the region.

With PInK, the collaboration between the University and entrepreneurship takes shape, supporting the exploitation of research results and fostering innovation and development.

MOSAICO - Ca' Foscari Innovation Network

At Ca' Foscari University of Venice we connect education, research, business and society to design a bigger picture: MOSAICO is the new way of doing innovation developed by our University, based on the meeting, co-creation and networking between the public and private sectors.

The Innovation Network combines activities and resources related to research, development and social responsibility in order to multiply opportunities for sharing and confrontation and to respond to the needs of society and companies.

In Mosaico you can find the 'tiles' you need to co-design your innovation project, thanks to a network of ideas, skills, services and tailor-made initiatives. Including those developed by our office PInK!

MOSAICO - Ca' Foscari Innovation Network

CSA - Services Centre for University Scientific Instruments

Do you need scientific instruments or specialist analysis?
Discover the university’s equipment and technological platforms, access our research laboratories and Ca’ Foscari’s integrated skills to support research projects.

Highlights from Ca' Foscari News

Thaiti: the Italian software optimising cardiac MRI

THAITI uses artificial intelligence to make the diagnostic practice more accurate and efficient. The software has been developed and patented by an interdisciplinary team consisting of Daniela Besozzi and Daniele M. Papetti from the University of Milano-Bicocca, Marco Salvatore Nobile from Ca' Foscari University of Venice, and Camilla Torlasco from Auxologico Italian Institute (IRCCS) in Milan.

Intelligent Materials from Blue Crab Shells: a Ca' Foscari Patent

A research team from Ca' Foscari, composed of Claudia Crestini, Matteo Gigli and Daniele Massari has patented, in collaboration with the University of Pavia, the ability to transform chitin into intelligent nanomaterials with functional properties. The process has potential applications in various fields ranging from biomedicine to sustainable packaging, as well as in the restoration and conservation of writing materials.


Partnership development

Defining and managing framework and timely strategic University-Business partnerships, opportunities of collaborative research and affiliation programmes.

Market-oriented approach

Supporting business creation (spin-off), providing assistance in patent applications and managing relations with third parties to distribute University developed technologies across the territory.


Matching our university's scientific skills and business needs, supported by technology scouting, regularly updated.

Applied research

Joint research projects and laboratories with businesses on areas of common interest, services of on-demand research and consultancy.

Training and networking

Workshops and seminars on self-entrepreneurship, IP and patenting and networking meetings to enhance Ca' Foscari research skills.

Intellectual Property

Free valuation of business industrial property (for Italian SMEs) and assistance in protecting research findings (intellectual property rights, data and information confidentiality).

Forms and assistance

If you have any query about regulations, contracts, intellectual property management in your research projects and relations to external entities, please refer to the documents and forms available for the research and administrative staff of Ca' Foscari in the Personal Area.

Priority will be given to those requests for assisatance and services filled in through the online form.

Innovation networks

PInK, participating as Ca' Foscari University of Venice or through its staff, collaborates with key associations in IP and innovation and takes part in national and international networks to give value to research.

Knowledge Share
UIIN - University Industry Innovation Network
MITO technology